Holy Cross Church welcomes you to celebrate the sacrament for your young child. Our "Infant Baptism Preparation Class" is designed to prepare parents with children under six years of age to be received into the Family of God.
Older youth and Adults are prepared for the Sacrament through the Rite of Christian Initiation Process.
As you prepare for this Sacrament of Initiation for your child, keep in mind the following:
The Baptism of your child signifies a solemn commitment by you, the parents, to raise your child within the faith community of the Roman Catholic Church and in accordance with its teachings.
Please contact the parish office for information regarding class times and schedule 209-887-3341.
Por favor llame a la oficina para hacer una cita para una entrevista 209-887-3341.
Los bautizos se realizarán el segundo y cuarto Domingo a las 11:30 AM.
The Eucharist is considered the heart of the Church's life and worship. Based on the word for "thanksgiving" and established by Jesus at the Last Supper. Children preparing for their first Reconciliation and Eucharist must be baptized Catholic. Sacramental preparation begins in the First Grade and is coordinated through the Religious Education Office. A minimum of two years of faith formation is required to participate in the preparation for the sacraments.
Older youth and Adults are prepared for the Sacrament through the Rite of Christian Initation Process. Please contact the Parish Office for more infromation 209-887-3341
Confirmation is a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism by confirming or "sealing" the baptized person's union with Christ empowering active participation in the life of the Church.
Youth preparing for Confirmation must be baptized Catholic. This preparation begins in the First Grade as part of a lifelong faith formation process and is coordinated through the Religious Education Office. A minimum of two years of faith formation is required to participate in the preparation for the sacraments. Specific preparation for Confirmation is two years of consecutive enrollment in 7th grade and above.
Older youth and Adults are prepared for the Sacraments through the Rite of Christian Initiation Process. Please contact the Parish Office for more information 209-887-3341
This Sacrament is given to a person of any age who is gravely ill, aging, or dying. The priest or deacon anoints and prays over the person along with family and friends. One need not be dying to receive the Sacrament. Persons wishing to receive the grace of this Sacrament may contact the Parish.
For a medical emergency requiring the presence of a priest please call: 209-887-3341
The Sacrament by which members of the Church are ordained for permanent ministry in the Church as bishops, priests or deacons. If you are interested in and feel that God may be calling you to become a priest or deacon in consecrated service to God's people, contact please visit Fr. Bill Kraft. Call for an appointment 209-887-3341
Marriage is an exclusive, permanent and lifelong contract between a man and a woman in which they commit themselves to care for each other and procreate and raise children;when the marriage takes place between baptized persons who enter into a covenant modeled on that between Christ ans the Church it is recognized as the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Marriage preparation begins 6 months prior to the celebration of the Sacrament and completion of a marriage preparation course is required. Contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment 209-887-3341
On line resources for Dating, Engaged, Newlyweds, Family, Parenting and More
For Your Marriage