Youth 5th grade and older are invited to the Ministry of Altar Server. Parents are a vital part of this Ministry we ask for your permission for your young person to serve and help with guiding them on dress code and reverance. Altar Servers are assigned to assist the clergy at Sunday Mass, Holy days, wedding and funeral liturgies. Occasionally Altar Servers have the opportunity to serve the Bishop as miter or staff-bearer.
Serving at the altar is a big responsibility. The clergy count on your showing up when scheduled. We count on your mature attitude while serving and expect you to be dressed neatly and arrive early. They appreciate a reverent attitude in all that you do.
If you feel that you are called to serve at Holy Cross by being an Altar Server, please contact us at
209-887-3341 or
Lectors or readers today are part of the tradition going back to the Old Testament where religious leaders made the Word of God available to the people by reading it in public. We invite you to this Ministry which is a key role in the celebration of the Mass - the liturgy of the Word. Lectors are scheduled at Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses as well as daily Mass and Holy Days of Obligation. As an instrument of God it is important for our readers to be prayerful, trained and well prepared. Training will be offered at Holy Cross periodically throughout the year.
To volunteer for the Ministry of Lector please contact Janice at 209-887-3341 or
Resources for Lectors
Article from National Catholic Review on the Ministry of Lector
Proclaiming Tips By Denise C Thompson
"Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" is the formal title of laypeople who distribute the Eucharist during Mass. As the title implies, there are also "ordinary ministers" - those who are literally "ordained" to the ministry namely bishops, priests, and deacons. These ministers are usually the first in order to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ, the deacon being the customary distributor of the cup.
In most places, especially when Communion is offered under the forms of both bread and wine, there are rarely enough "ordinary" ministers for the timely distribution of Communion.
- See more at: of Hospitality (Ushers and Greeters) are the Welcoming Committee/Ambassadors of our church. The Hospitality Ministry is a great opportunity to meet parishioners while serving a vital service in the performance of the Mass.
Ministers of Hospitality are very often the first persons one meets upon arrival for services. The Ministers of Hospitality greet parishioners and guests as they enter our church. They make sure gift bearers are available to bring up the gifts of bread and wine, help seat people, assist with the collection baskets, direct Communion lines and ensure those who cannot go up for Holy communion receive communion. After Mass, Ministers of Hospitality pass out the bulletin and assist anyone who has specials needs in leaving the church.This is a great ministry in which family members can work together.
To volunteer for the Ministry of Hospitality please contact Janice at 209-887-3341 or
The entire worshiping assembly exercises a ministry of music. Some members of the community, however, are recognized for the special gifts they exhibit in leading the musical praise and thanksgiving of Christian assemblies. These are the pastoral musicians, whose ministry is especially cherished by the church. (Liturgical Music Today, paragraph #63).
Are you being called to share your gift of music with our parish? Ministers with vocal and instrumental abilities are invited to contact us for opportunities at Saturday and Sunday masses. To volunteer for the Ministry of Music please contact Janice at 209-887-3341 or