What does it mean to be Catholic?
For many of us "Being Catholic" is a way of being in the world through faith, action and practice. Each of us unites in faith with Catholics all around the world to bring the light of Christ to others. Our Catholic cluture brings peace, mercy and love to action in our homes, neighborhoods and world. Through the sacrifice of the Mass we experience Christ's love for us and are strengthened to practice and share that with the world.
The three Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. The process for nonbaptized person to become a full and active member of the Catholic Church is through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA).
Who is the RCIA for?
At Holy Cross we invite you to come learn what our Church teaches and share in the richness of our Catholic Community. These sessions are not only for those seeking the Sacraments but also those of other faith traditions and Catholics who want to learn more.
For more information or to join us for a session please contact us at 209-887-3341
Resources for those interested in beginning th RCIA process
United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Busted Halo's Guide to the RCIA
Faith should touch every corner of our lives. We know it can be intimidating to walk through those doors, but we've been expecting you. Welcome home.